viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

Domotic, Home Automation

Have you imagined a futurist smart house?

Well, I think It is exactly the right time to see how technology is starting to build those kind of houses. It's easy to build a system to control your home electronics today, and it's also easy and possible to build software to control all those devices using your smartphone! I made a small example of how you can switch on/off a lamp using a mobile device, and it was easy to make with:

Arduino UNO
Arduino Ethernet Shield
120v relay

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

What can I do with Microsoft Speech Recognition?

Recording device: kinect for windows.
Voice Recognition library: Microsoft Speech Recognition
Board: Arduino UNO
Bluetooth: HC-06

Look what we can do with all of them together:

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Arduino Ethernet + Annyang

Have you ever imagined using voice recognition in your web projects? well, now this is possible. Google Chrome is the first browser to start supporting voice recognition, and a few others have mention they will add this feature soon.

But how this magic is possible? It's possible because chrome add voice recogntion as a feature (still beta) and let developers work with it. So how we start to work using voice recognition in our web projects? is there a library to start with this? Yes it is! It's name is annyang!

Annyang is an incredible library for voice recogntion. It's really easy to learn and as it web site says: 

"annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands. annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs just 2kb and is free to use."

This project was made by Tal Ater, and I just want to say: Thanks man for this library, you did an awesome job! 

I did a small project usign this library and my Arduino, well I used 2 Arduino shields (Arduino UNO + Arduino Ethernet). As I did mention before Annyang is a perfect library to work with voice recogntion in web projects, I made my project sending 2 request to my Web Server: GO and REVERSE (Told you! it's a small project) and well here is the video.

Do you like it? well what are you waiting for give it a like? :) Also Tal Ater did it, Tal Ater also wrote me back once he saw this small project, It was made using his library and definitely annyang works pretty good, thanks Tal Ater. 

Annyang Project Official web site:

Arduino + Leap Motion

Simple Catcher Game!!

A Catcher Game is normally the first game you try to do when you start with Processing, but, what if we make something different using a Leap Motion and Processing? This is what I got:

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014


Java RXTX is a library to allow developers to open a connection to a serial device and then interact with it. I made this example using this small code to read data from my Arduino. Hope you enjoy it!